Daily Virgo Horoscope July 30 (30/07)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

July 30


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 10/10

The vision of the future that appears on the horizon deserves attention and for your faith levels in what you see to remain high. However, you could get so caught up with keeping this vision alive that you lose sight of what needs attention in the present, particularly within your immediate environment. Having to give focus to more mundane tasks and responsibilities might prove difficult, but these are more integral to progress than you might be giving them credit for being.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Saying nothing or choosing to allow others to have a glimpse when it suits you into what youre thinking or feeling is only going to prolong something you need to bring into the open. You could have numerous reasons for keeping a sensitive or delicate matter to yourself but can be sure it will emerge eventually and possibly sooner than you think. Save yourself and others considerable aggravation. Say what you know needs to be said now, not later.


summary virgo weekly

Star 8/10

There are numerous benefits to you this week of adopting a right here, right now attitude. As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place immediately that will facilitate a happier and brighter tomorrow, something happening in the present needs the most attention. Dont try to hasten a process unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results and progress you wish were more encouraging or visible appear in the far-off distance, its important you trust you are in the throes of a very positive and transformative process.


summary virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Career matters receive a fantastic cosmic nudge this month and if youve felt undervalued in the workplace or an authority figure hasnt recognized your talents and abilities, then that could change during coming weeks. Its also very much within your ability to negotiate a better deal or package work-wise. The Full Moon on the 9th could demand more energy than you might feel able to give where a certain involvement is concerned - and you might need to reassess where certain loyalties lie.


health virgo daily

Star 9/10

You certainly love having plans, although your plans often change! To involve planning and variety in your life, ask a friend to be your partner in meal-planning for the next few weeks. This is a wonderful way to manage your diet with a fun and interesting twist. You can both hunt down healthy recipes and alternate the task of preparing them for both of you to enjoy. Making your health goals a shared task is both realistic and full of surprises!


health virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You have positive influences coming at you from all over the Zodiac right now. Positive thinking is the key to using this energy. If there is something in your life that needs changing - change it! If there is something you need to say - say it! Somehow you must be a living \"sketch\" right now of who you want to be. Living consciously is the best way to realize your dreams. Denial can postpone your life into the next life. Purifying herbs such as Borage, Vervain and Sage are highly recommended.


health virgo weekly

Star 8/10

You\re going to get a lot of exercise now. Fun and games lie in store for you. Grab your significant other, use your imagination, and get a fabulously enjoyable workout. Come up with some exercise that beats going to a gym or sweating through your usual boring routine. You\ll both have a great time.


health virgo monthly

Star 9/10

This month has two phases. The first could involve a lot of socializing and interactions. Should you find yourself burning the candle at both ends, it might be helpful to adopt a few tips to stay energized. Drinking plenty of water and less caffeine and alcohol will help you to feel refreshed and less restless. Making sure you get a good nights sleep two or three evenings a week can enable you to party hard on the weekend. The second phase kicks in on July 20, when the cosmos encourages you to take long breaks so you can completely relax and recharge.


love virgo daily

Star 7/10

Some days are just meant to be a little harder work than others, as you know better than anyone. However, the best way of dealing with this situation is absolutely not to close off. Don\t keep an aloof distance, even though this may seem to be the easier path. Make a big effort to do whatever is necessary to keep the communication flowing and things will heal over.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

You may find it difficult to concentrate today, as there is something about the atmosphere that keeps sweeping your mind away into a world of fantasy. No matter how hard you try to focus, that special person keeps coming back into your mind. There is a lot more romantic potential in the air, so perhaps you should stop thinking about them, and go be with them somewhere special.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

Have you recently met someone you feel could be your soul mate? Does he or she have all of the characteristics on your long-term checklist? Thats great, but dont be in too big of a hurry to lock things down. There is still a lot to learn about each other. Rejection is your biggest fear over the weekend, and being embarrassed in front of a crowd isnt fun at all. Wait until you feel more comfortable to make your move.


love virgo monthly

Star 8/10

Love is a concept that goes beyond sex and romance during the Sun/Neptune trine on July 5. You see being in a relationship as the ultimate display of devotion and respect, and you arent about to settle for anyone other than your perfect soul mate. The Sun enters Leo on July 22, giving you the confidence to approach people youve felt were out of your league. Its a whole different feeling when the answer is yes! Mercury enters your sign on July 25, giving you the benefit of logical, organized communication. Your flirting techniques might not be the sexiest, but they get the job done.


career virgo daily

Star 10/10

Your ideas are no good unless they are organized. Your efforts will have little effect unless they are well planned. Today you will find that a haphazard approach will get you nowhere. You need to be more systematic and grounded to be successful.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Put your strong ideas aside today and be open to the people around you. If you get too caught up in only one way of thinking, then you are likely to miss out on a very valuable point. Let go of the preconceived notion that your way is the only way.


career virgo weekly

Star 10/10

Jump into any assignment with enthusiasm now. At your best you\re open, curious, present, and genuinely interested in others. The energy at this time supports teamwork. Be tolerant of people who are critical. This is the best period if you\re looking for a new or better paying job. Network with confidence to improve your situation. These are positive days for research and being very honest with customers or co-workers.


career virgo monthly

Star 7/10

A professional gamble could pay off around July 9. It would be wise to venture out of your comfort zone at the start of July. Taking a bold risk could yield an impressive payment. It will also earn the respect of both superiors and peers. If you win a prize, make sure to display it in a prominent place. Your confidence will soar every time you catch sight of it. A chance to work behind the scenes could arrive in the days around July 23. Being able to develop a creative project in secret will bring out the best in you.



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