The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: A Seth Book (Roberts, Jane)

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: A Seth Book (Roberts, Jane)

Kindle Edition
26 Apr
Jane Roberts
The “Seth Books” by Jane Roberts are world-renowned for comprising one of the most profound bodies of work ever written on the true nature of reality.

Speaking exclusively through Jane Roberts, Seth has repeatedly stressed the concept that we create our own reality according to our individual beliefs. But how do our realities merge and combine to form mass reactions such as the overthrow of governments, the birth of a new religion, wars, epidemics, earthquakes, and new periods of art, architecture, and technology?

In this pioneering work, Seth explores the connection between personal beliefs and world events. He pinpoints the unconscious — and often negative — beliefs pervading science and religion, medicine and mythology, and offers thought-provoking reflections on Darwinism, Freudianism, religions, cults, and medical beliefs.

With fascinating and inspiring implications, Seth asserts that the personal impulses we are often taught to see as dangerous, chaotic, or contradictory, are instead crucial to the best interests of the species and the natural world, for they lead us to live “not only as loving caretakers, but as partners with other species.”

“Only people who trust their spontaneous impulses can be consciously wise enough to choose from a myriad of probable futures the most promising events….” — Jane Roberts, Speaking for Seth

Praise for The Seth Books, by Jane Roberts

“The Seth books present an alternate map of reality with a new diagram of the psyche . . . useful to all explorers of consciousness.” — Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

“Seth was one of my first metaphysical teachers. He remains a constant source of knowledge and inspiration in my life.” — Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love

“I would like to see the Seth books as required reading for anyone on their spiritual pathway. The amazing in-depth information in the Seth books is as relevant today as it was in the early ’70s when Jane Roberts first channeled this material.” — Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life

“Seth’s teachings had an important influence on my life and work, and provided one of the initial inspirations for writing Creative Visualization.” — Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization

“The Seth books were of great benefit to me on my spiritual journey and helped me to see another way of looking at the world.” — Gerald G. Jampolsky, author of Love Is Letting Go of Fear

“As you read Seth’s words, you will gain more than just new ideas. Seth’s energy comes through every page — energy that expands your consciousness and changes your thoughts about the nature of reality.” — Sanaya Roman, author of Living with Joy

“To my great surprise — and slight annoyance — I found that Seth eloquently and lucidly articulated a view of reality that I had arrived at only after great effort and an extensive study of both paranormal phenomena and quantum physics....” — Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe

About the Author

Jane Roberts (May 8, 1929 – September 5, 1984) grew up in Saratoga Springs, New York where she attended Skidmore College. She was a prolific writer in a variety of genres including poetry, short stories, children’s literature, and fiction when in 1963, she began to receive messages from a non-physical energy personality who called himself “Seth.” Her husband, Robert F. Butts, an artist and writer, recorded the messages and together they dedicated their lives to the publication of Seth’s teachings.

Jane’s “Seth Books” have become classics in the fields of psychology and personal growth, and stand out as one of the major forces that led to the New Age philosophical movement in the 1970s. Today, Yale University Library maintains a collection of Jane’s writings, journals, poetry, audio and video recordings, correspondence, and other materials (the “Jane Roberts Papers”) donated by her husband and other individuals.

Reviews (84)

In a class of its own. A classic!

If you want to understand how all our lives interact, and And why some people join cults or become fanatics, you won’t be sorry you picked up this book. There’s nothing else quite like it around, and it will give you an insight and understanding to people and events like never before. Seth also talks about how the universe bends in our direction, how it is actually easier to create good events than bad events, and the hidden dynamics about why people participate in disasters and so on. I read this book over 30 years ago, and it was written around the time of the Jonestown mass suicide, but its insights apply to today’s Religious Right, white supremacists, fear of immigrants and other cultist groups, although Seth never mentions these groups by name. He just talks about how frightened people want simple easy answers, want to be told what to think, because thinking for oneself if much harder to do. And that almost any framework of believes will suffice, no matter how irrational. This review does not do this book justice, so my apologies. It is a brilliant, insightful, and rare book that will give you insight into people and human behavior that I don’t believe you will find elsewhere. I am a lifelong fan of Seth, and all of his books are mind-blowing and well worth reading—and studying.

Seth is awesome in many respects.

The individual and nature of mass events is interesting reading. I was in high school or had just graduated when Jane Roberts was doing her groundbreaking work with Seth and I wasn't so far into philosophy and its many schools of thought. I do not think every psychic who claims to be is real, nor are all channelers authentic but Jane and Seth seem to be the real deal to me. I bought this book to see if it's possible to make sense of the phenomena of living in this crazy world! The things in this book just help me feel that we really won't know what life's all about until we pass into the next phase of being after death. At least this book helps me see that I am living as well as I can hope (on this planet) and my personal struggles and triumphs are helping me evolve as a sensitive soul. Namaste.

All Seth Books Delivery Consistently

All of the Seth books are amazing and worthy of 5 stars. The ONLY thing you need to wonder about is which of the Seth books to read first! I've been reading Seth, and the like, for about 20+ years now and I have to say, it amazes me how the Seth material spoke, back then, of things that are only now coming to mainstream awareness and the forefront of science. I am currently on my 3rd re-read of this particular text. I am on my 4th re-read of 'The Nature of Personal Reality' as it continues to fuel my understanding of 'creating my reality' but I would also suggest 'The Magical Approach', which gave me several 'Aha' moments!

There was a message for me in this book

I first read a Jane Roberts/Seth book nearly thirty years ago; back then, they rattled my views on "reality". It has been nice to renew that relationship after such a long hiatus. In the meantime, I have read "A course in miracles" nearly three times over. This is my take regarding the connection between the messages of those two books: Jane Roberts/Seth books deal with how to best manage incarnations while "A course in miracles" deals with escape from the reincarnational wheel. Both sources should be studied and their messages implemented right away in our lives, for the Glory of God. This particular book explains how each one of us influence mass events. It also entreats us to follow our interior voice in order to fulfil our potential. This is a most interesting and instructive book. Personally, I received a message through it. Thank you Amazon for making these books, and others like them, affordable and available to the spiritually minded crowd.

Seth readings where the start of the New Age Movement ...

Seth readings where the start of the New Age Movement.. Many books have been written that use the knowledge gained from the Seth series. This book opens your mind to why world events happen and that individuals create their own environment. After reading you should never blame anyone else for what happens in your life.

This is the best book you could ever read

This is the best book you could ever read. It will affect your life in the best ways possible. Read this and learn how to be happy. Learn the secrets of life right here in the Seth (Seff, haha) books. They are astounding.

Seth is the best

This is the perfect thing to read to understand the covid pandemic! It all makes sense!

All Seth material is amazing and so relevant in this day and age where ...

All Seth material is amazing and so relevant in this day and age where there is so much awakening going on around the globe. I have read all the Seth material twice now and I can not recommend this enough in order to answer questions and to clarify and fill in information. All of this as it pertains to the unseen reality is of incredible value. Never hesitate to read all of the Seth material if you are a being who wants to know more.

Required Reading!

Should be be required reading for everybody. People spend SO much time working and I NEVER give any thought about how and why we ARE. Seth is brilliant. Many of his teachings have been verified to this day. Ancient civilizations, science and many other things are explained. Excellent read!

Channel Material

I've read most of Jane Roberts Seth Material books. In my opinion Seth Is telling it like it is. More and more now a days the cutting edge theoretical physicists are agreeing that reality is very similar to what Seth has been describing since the "seventies". This puts a Quantum Physics spin on the reality that Seth has been telling us about for decades. If you're interested in knowing what reality is really like, the Seth Books can enlighten you. I've enjoyed all the ones I've read. This one, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, included. However. if you want to know my favorite of all, it would have to be The Nature Of Personal Reality, written in '74. Followed closely by Seth Speaks. Written in '72. If you find you have an interest in this type of material, any of the Seth books will be well worth your time.

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