Daily Leo Horoscope November 25 (25/11)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

November 25


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 9/10

A small but very significant development is likely to occur and whilst this might not be Earth-shakingly fantastic at face value, potential you will see it holds will inspire and even excite you. A door might be opening slightly, allowing you a glimpse into what might be possible where you might have written off any chance of possibility existing. Youre being offered a very helpful step in a direction you have wanted for some time to head toward.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Effort and dedication are integral ingredients for success. Success tends to want to see enough of both invested before it decides to manifest itself. We, however, never know when weve given enough of both or if were on the right track to bring a desired result. All we can do is trust that we are doing enough to move a process or plan along. Reassuring proof that your efforts havent been in vain is coming. You havent strayed anywhere near off track as you might have believed.


summary leo weekly

Star 7/10

The coming week invites you to focus on what you know to be unstable or uncertain. This has nothing to do with accepting a harsh truth but everything to do with accepting that, for a particular situation or arrangement to improve, it might need to get a bit worse before it can improve. By worse, I mean it might need to reach a point where it cant sink any lower and the only way is up. From there, it will then be within your ability to rebuild or heal what needs rebuilding or healing.


summary leo monthly

Star 7/10

Coming weeks offer reassurance, confidence and triumph. You will have a valid reason to be delighted with what your efforts have made happen and understandably want to look even more closely at what else might be possible. What you need to guard against is believing yourself to be invincible or that certain restrictions dont apply to you. This month, a victory is commendable but its important to set realistic goals and not get too carried away by the smell of success.


health leo daily

Star 9/10

Todays movement of the planets presents a challenge to you to heed their message even when so much is going on in the skies to distract you. In this case, keeping a balanced lifestyle is the key. Your health goals may seem easier to attain than they really are. That is, you might convince yourself to take it really easy when actually you need to continue plodding the course you set for yourself in order to attain your health goals.


health leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your least favorite thing is to be blamed for causing some kind of disappointment, and you may find yourself caught in this type of bind this week. Theres no way to really change your basic nature, but you can prevent certain situations from occurring. For starters, be honest with yourself about how busy you are and whether or not you can manage everything you need to get done for yourself before you make plans to help others.


health leo weekly

Star 10/10

Throat problems could be an issue now, but you feel moved to take action. Communication and getting your message across may be at the core of your problems. If you think you might be coming down with a cold, take some vitamin C and zinc. If you have something to say, go ahead and get it off your chest. Keep up your diet and exercise program, too.


health leo monthly

Star 8/10

This months first three weeks can bring an opportunity to enjoy a little downtime and recharge your batteries. If you feel like taking steps to change any aspect of your health routine or engage more in sports or workouts, get your friends involved, too. This can be the perfect way to stay on track, particularly as anyone can succumb to periods of doubt or disillusionment. Once the Sun, your personal planet, dances into Sagittarius, on November 21, you may feel even more drawn to engaging in sports with a competitive edge or any experience that combines fitness with a hint of danger.


love leo daily

Star 7/10

This is a great day for a party, as you will have the chance to invite new and very different people into your circle of friends. By encouraging new friendships, you may also draw a person to you who is more on your wavelength than many dates have been for some time. You may not only meet a good friend, but a potential partner as well.


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Although you may find yourself completely at sea in a torrent of emotion, most of which seems to be dripping onto your shoulder from the tearful outpourings of friends and love interests, and youll want to listen and care. When your heart is open, you are at your most attractive and may draw potential love interests by your warmth and kindness.


love leo weekly

Star 7/10

You arent known as a traditionalist, but you have some sweet, old-fashioned moves in the beginning of the week. Youre just one smooth advance away from getting the person of your dreams. You tend to be a bit clingy or needy later in the week, which could cause someone to feel like you want too much too soon. Put on the brakes until you get the go-ahead to move forward again.


love leo monthly

Star 9/10

Romance sizzles when the Moon travels through Sagittarius on November 2 and November 3. Adventurous times are here, and your friendly, nonthreatening demeanor is your ticket to fun-land! Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 12, emphasizing your extravagant flair for the dramatic. You love to embellish stories (especially about yourself and your romantic abilities), but everyone fibs a bit on their dating resumes, right? You struggle not to go to extremes during the Jupiter/Pluto square on November 24. Going overboard could really ruin your chances with someone new. Unfortunately, sometimes you just cant help yourself.


career leo daily

Star 10/10

You need to give up in order to gain. Make compromises so that you can get ahead in other areas. Now is a time for you to streamline instead of trying to tackle every single thing at once. Focus in on what is most important and let other things go.


career leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

You are giving birth to a new idea or project. You are well supported. Do not resist this new path. It will bring you a great deal of happiness and success in the long run. Your energy is quite strong at this time. Have complete faith in yourself.


career leo weekly

Star 9/10

Expect positive news now. It could be a financial incentive or the prospect of a better job. Youll see progress toward long-term goals. Avoid any desire to break with the usual routines. This is a particularly favorable time for research and financial matters. Paperwork needs extra attention. Finish all you can. The cosmos supports legal matters and planning social events that attract customers or boost employee morale.


career leo monthly

Star 7/10

Youll be celebrated for your professional achievements midmonth. Get ready for your closeup. If youre looking for a job, youll make a great impression at an interview or audition at this time. Be ready to answer probing questions. Youll be busy with demanding assignments as November draws to a close. There will be little time to rest, relax, and reflect. Its possible youll be asked to cover for a colleague whos on vacation. Instead of refusing to perform these duties, accept them. Learning another part of the business will increase your value to the organization.



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